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Support the Agape Clinic
when you give this NTX Giving Day!


Did you know the word 'agape' means unconditional love? 

At the Agape Clinic, unconditional love is woven into the very fabric of our mission “to provide quality healthcare services unconditionally to underserved people”. North Texas Giving Day is this month, and Agape needs your support. When you give to our organization, you provide direct healthcare services for our most vulnerable neighbors.  Agape is a 100% philanthropically funded charity healthcare facility in Dallas that extends care to all without restrictions or prerequisites. We offer comprehensive primary, pediatric, chronic, and behavioral health care and program services and are passionate about addressing the intergenerational poverty cycle through innovative, patient and family-centered integrated healthcare.


Early Giving is available. You can give today or celebrate with a gift on North Texas Giving Day this September 21st!

4104 Junius Street Dallas, Texas 75246

972-707-7782 Medical


972 - 707-7746 Dental


* Please refer to our clinic’s Privacy Policy, found under patient resources, for more information.


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